Maintenance for Sustainable Energy Production
The planet needs energy. Global energy demand will continue to increase for some time. All forms of energy- conventional, such as hydrocarbons or nuclear, as well as unconventional, such as wind and solar power, -will need to able to meet the energy demands of tomorrow.
SOFAMS is an independant specialist in operation and maintenace (O&M), inspection and maintenance engineering of power plants in the oil and gas, mining, conventional, and nuclear power generation sectors.
The reputation of excellence enjoyed by the company is the result of years of know-how in terms of sites and equipment.
Our pioneering approach and our focus on our core business make all the difference. We are constantly attentive to the needs of our customers, innovative in our thinking, and more flexible than our major competitors.
This culture has allowed us to gain the trust of our customers. We have had excellent and long-standing relationships with all of them.

We believe that maintenance is one of the most important tools for optimizing production, ensuring health and safety and minimizing environmental impact. We continuously strive to fully master the technology of maintenance and integrate it seamlessly into our clients ’production objectives. we identify our key proposition as ‘Operation & Maintenance services’. By applying world-class methods for maintenance and production optimization wherever we are active, we facilitate the development of rich natural and human resources in a financially, socially and environmentally responsible way.
SOFAMS is inspired by and committed to upholding the principles of integrity, respect, loyalty, efficiency, and transparency. The dedication and professionalism of its employees reflect the company’s values and are the decisive factor in ensuring SOFAMS continued success.